This week saw the top four dancers have a final opportunity to show America why they should vote for them. So, for the last time this season, let’s have a closer look at the remaining four, starting with the boys.

Image credit: FOX

Image credit: FOX

Aaron has had an amazing run this season, especially given that he initially missed out on being included in the top 20. His partnership with Jasmine was a match made in heaven and their combined physicality and chemistry created real magic and many memorable performances. Aaron has been one of the most successful tappers to ever grace the SYTYCD stage and he has more than shown that tap is a legitimate dance style that should not be underrated. I must admit though, that since the couples have been spilt up, I feel that Aaron has faltered slightly. His ballroom routine with Whitney didn’t push my buttons and I still feel devastated over the mishap in his routine with Melanie. However, there was absolutely no faltering with Kathryn in Stacey Tookey’s breathtaking contemporary routine. Aaron has always said that he wants to be an all-star and I think he is well on the way to achieving that ambition.

Image credit: FOX

Image credit: FOX

From the very start Fik-Shun has been all smiles. Despite his lack of formal technique he has survived week after week, improved by leaps and bounds and in doing so he has impressed and surprised just about everyone. While Fik-Shun’s personality has certainly helped in making him a crowd favourite I don’t believe he would have gotten into the final if he hadn’t applied himself and fought as hard as he has. Like Aaron, he was blessed in his partnership. Amy is an amazing technical dancer and while they tended to have a lot of fun, light-hearted routines it did not prevent either of them from shining. I think my favourite routine of his, however, was when he had the honour to be choreographed by and partnered with Allison.

Image credit: FOX

Image credit: FOX

While I underestimated Jasmine in the audition process as soon as she hit the big stage it was evident how talented she was and what an amazing spirit she has. Aaron and her could do little to no wrong in their weeks together. In saying that, if it was possible, Jasmine only became better once she started dancing with the all-stars. Watching Jasmine with an all-star felt like watching two professional dancers. She is so ready to be on the stage and I feel confident that there are a number of dancing companies just waiting to woo her once the tour is over. I loved so many of her numbers, right to the end when she did a crazy hip hop routine with Comfort and she and Fik-Shun shocked everyone by elegantly and seamlessly dancing a beautiful Travis Wall contemporary number.

Image credit: FOX

Image credit: FOX

Finally we have Amy. Amy was one of my favourite girls from the top 20 and she is an elegant, solid dancer on all fronts. While Fik-Shun benefited from being paired with Amy because of her technique I believe Amy benefited from Fik-Shun’s personality because together they became the show’s cutest couple. They had some of the most fun routines together but it was when Amy started dancing with the all-stars that we saw her full potential. While disco isn’t always my favourite it demonstrated Amy’s strength and utter trust in her partner, Brandon, as she was lifted and tossed up, around and down. Her bollywood number with Alex was incredibly demanding but the absolute highlight for me was when she danced with Travis in his contemporary number. Everything about that performance was pure magic.

I have found it interesting that the four dancers in the final are from 2 partnerships. I guess it shows how crucial those partnerships can be in how it influences how the audience sees the dancers. My bias has probably come out in my above analysis so I should just admit that I predict that Amy and Fik-Shun will win. I think it will be incredibly close between Jasmine and Amy and I don’t feel that one is better, other than Amy had a slightly better final night. In regard to Aaron and Fik-Shun, they come from such different backgrounds and are obviously both audience favourites. My gut is leaning towards Fik-Shun as I feel that his performances were stronger than Aaron’s on the last show. Only time will tell though and I will be curious to see if Amy and Fik-Shun, two of my favourites from the start, end up winning on the night!

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